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Sandrine Wibin

Sandrine Wibin

  • Trainee
Contact Sandrine Wibin by phone
Sandrine Wibin

Please contact the secretary's office of the Firm

+41 27 323 62 52
born in
originally from
Hérémence (VS) and Belgium
marital status
French, German, English, knowledge of Spanish
Trainee lawyer at Etude du Ritz (2023)

Legal Advisor, Family Team, Asylex (2022, 2023)

Jurist at the federal Office of justice, Bern (6 months, 2023)

Scientific trainee at the federal Office of justice, Bern (6 months, 2022)
Bilingual Master of Law, Univertities of Basel and Geneva (2020-2022)

Certificate in Transnational Law, University of Geneva (2021)

Bachelor of Law, University of Geneva (2017-2020)

High school degree with Spanish as major subject at the Lycée-Collège des Creusets (2016)